MMFeedbacks  v1.6
Classes | Enumerations
MoreMountains.Feedbacks Namespace Reference


class  BlinkPhase
 Describes a blink phase, defined by a duration for the phase, and the time it should remain inactive and active, sequentially For the duration of the phase, the object will be off for OffDuration, then on for OnDuration, then off again for OffDuration, etc If you want a grenade to blink briefly every .2 seconds, for 1 second, these parameters are what you're after : PhaseDuration = 1f; OffDuration = 0.2f; OnDuration = 0.1f; More...
class  DemoBall
 A class handling the lifecycle of the balls included in the MMFeedbacks demo It waits for 2 seconds after the spawn of the ball, and destroys it, playing a MMFeedbacks while it does so More...
class  DemoButton
class  DemoGhost
 A class used on the MMFeedback's demo ghost More...
class  FeedbackHelpAttribute
 Atttribute used to mark feedback class. The contents allow you to specify a help text for each feedback More...
class  FeedbackPathAttribute
 Atttribute used to mark feedback class. The provided path is used to sort the feedback list displayed in the feedback manager dropdown More...
struct  InternalWiggleProperties
 A struct used to store internal wiggle properties More...
struct  MMAudioFilterDistortionShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioFilterDistortionShaker
 Add this to an audio distortion filter to shake its values remapped along a curve More...
struct  MMAudioFilterEchoShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioFilterEchoShaker
 Add this to an audio echo filter to shake its values remapped along a curve More...
struct  MMAudioFilterHighPassShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioFilterHighPassShaker
 Add this to an audio high pass filter to shake its values remapped along a curve More...
struct  MMAudioFilterLowPassShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioFilterLowPassShaker
 Add this to an audio distortion low pass to shake its values remapped along a curve More...
struct  MMAudioFilterReverbShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioFilterReverbShaker
 Add this to an audio reverb filter to shake its values remapped along a curve More...
struct  MMAudioSourcePitchShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioSourcePitchShaker
 Add this to an AudioSource to shake its pitch remapped along a curve More...
class  MMAudioSourceSequencer
 A MMSequencer with ready made slots to play AudioSources More...
struct  MMAudioSourceStereoPanShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioSourceStereoPanShaker
 Add this to an AudioSource to shake its stereo pan values remapped along a curve More...
struct  MMAudioSourceVolumeShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMAudioSourceVolumeShaker
 Add this to an AudioSource to shake its volume remapped along a curve More...
class  MMBlink
 Add this class to a GameObject to make it blink, either by enabling/disabling a gameobject, changing its alpha, emission intensity, or a value on a shader) More...
struct  MMCameraClippingPlanesShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMCameraClippingPlanesShaker
 Add this to a camera and it'll let you control its near and far clipping planes More...
struct  MMCameraFieldOfViewShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMCameraFieldOfViewShaker
 Add this to a camera and it'll let you control its field of view over time, can be piloted by a MMFeedbackCameraFieldOfView More...
struct  MMCameraOrthographicSizeShakeEvent
 An event used to trigger vignette shakes More...
class  MMCameraOrthographicSizeShaker
 Add this to a camera and it'll let you control its orthographic size over time, can be piloted by a MMFeedbackCameraOrthographicSize More...
struct  MMCameraShakeEvent
struct  MMCameraShakeProperties
 Camera shake properties More...
class  MMCameraShaker
 A class to add to your camera. It'll listen to MMCameraShakeEvents and will shake your camera accordingly More...
struct  MMCameraShakeStopEvent
struct  MMCameraZoomEvent
class  MMFConditionAttribute
class  MMFConditionAttributeDrawer
class  MMFeedback
 A base class, meant to be extended, defining a Feedback. A Feedback is an action triggered by a MMFeedbacks, usually in reaction to the player's input or actions, to help communicate both emotion and legibility, improving game feel. To create a new feedback, extend this class and override its Custom methods, declared at the end of this class. You can look at the many examples for reference. More...
class  MMFeedbackAnimation
 A feedback used to trigger an animation (bool or trigger) on the associated animator More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioFilterDistortion
 This feedback lets you control the distortion level of a distortion filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterDistortionShaker on the filter. More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioFilterEcho
 This feedback lets you control the wetmix level of an echo filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterEchoShaker on your filter. More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioFilterHighPass
 This feedback lets you control the cutoff frequency of a high pass filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterHighPassShaker on your filter. More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioFilterLowPass
 This feedback lets you control the cutoff frequency of a low pass filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterLowPassShaker on your filter. More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioFilterReverb
 This feedback lets you control the reverb level of a reverb filter. You'll need a MMAudioFilterReverbShaker on your filter. More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioSource
class  MMFeedbackAudioSourcePitch
 This feedback lets you control the pitch of an AudioSource over time More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioSourceStereoPan
 This feedback lets you control the stereo pan of a target AudioSource over time. More...
class  MMFeedbackAudioSourceVolume
 This feedback lets you control the volume of a target AudioSource over time. More...
class  MMFeedbackBase
class  MMFeedbackBaseTarget
class  MMFeedbackBlink
 This feedback will trigger a MMBlink object, letting you blink something More...
class  MMFeedbackBroadcast
 This feedback lets you broadcast a float value to the MMRadio system More...
class  MMFeedbackCameraClippingPlanes
 This feedback lets you control a camera's clipping planes over time. You'll need a MMCameraClippingPlanesShaker on your camera. More...
class  MMFeedbackCameraFieldOfView
 This feedback lets you control a camera's field of view over time. You'll need a MMCameraFieldOfViewShaker on your camera. More...
class  MMFeedbackCameraOrthographicSize
 This feedback lets you control a camera's orthographic size over time. You'll need a MMCameraOrthographicSizeShaker on your camera. More...
class  MMFeedbackCameraShake
 This feedback will send a shake event when played More...
class  MMFeedbackCameraZoom
 A feedback that will allow you to change the zoom of a (3D) camera when played More...
class  MMFeedbackCanvasGroup
 This feedback lets you control the opacity of a canvas group over time More...
class  MMFeedbackDebugLog
 This feedback will let you output a message to the console, using a custom MM debug method, or Log, Assertion, Error or Warning logs. More...
class  MMFeedbackEnable
 Turns an object active or inactive at the various stages of the feedback More...
class  MMFeedbackEvents
 A feedback to bind Unity events to and trigger them when played More...
class  MMFeedbackFade
 This feedback will trigger a one time play on a target FloatController More...
class  MMFeedbackFeedbacks
 Turns an object active or inactive at the various stages of the feedback More...
class  MMFeedbackFlash
 This feedback will trigger a flash event (to be caught by a MMFlash) when played More...
class  MMFeedbackFlicker
 This feedback will make the bound renderer flicker for the set duration when played (and restore its initial color when stopped) More...
class  MMFeedbackFloatController
 This feedback will trigger a one time play on a target FloatController More...
class  MMFeedbackFreezeFrame
 This feedback will trigger a freeze frame event when played, pausing the game for the specified duration (usually short, but not necessarily) More...
class  MMFeedbackHoldingPause
 this feedback will "hold", or wait, until all previous feedbacks have been executed, and will then pause the execution of your MMFeedbacks sequence, for the specified duration More...
class  MMFeedbackImage
 This feedback will let you change the color of a target sprite renderer over time, and flip it on X or Y. You can also use it to command one or many MMSpriteRendererShakers. More...
class  MMFeedbackInstantiateObject
 This feedback will instantiate the associated object (usually a VFX, but not necessarily), optionnally creating an object pool of them for performance More...
class  MMFeedbackLight
 This feedback will let you control the color and intensity of a Light when played More...
class  MMFeedbackLooper
 This feedback will move the current "head" of an MMFeedbacks sequence back to another feedback above in the list. What feedback the head lands on depends on your settings : you can decide to have it loop at last pause, or at the last LoopStart feedback in the list (or both). Furthermore, you can decide to have it loop multiple times and cause a pause when met. More...
class  MMFeedbackLooperStart
 This feedback can act as a pause but also as a start point for your loops. Add a FeedbackLooper below this (and after a few feedbacks) and your MMFeedbacks will loop between both More...
class  MMFeedbackMaterial
class  MMFeedbackParticles
 This feedback will play the associated particles system on play, and stop it on stop More...
class  MMFeedbackParticlesInstantiation
 This feedback will instantiate a particle system and play/stop it when playing/stopping the feedback More...
class  MMFeedbackPause
 This feedback will cause a pause when met, preventing any other feedback lower in the sequence to run until it's complete. More...
class  MMFeedbackPosition
 this feedback will let you animate the position of More...
class  MMFeedbackPPMovingFilter
 This feedback will trigger a post processing moving filter event, meant to be caught by a MMPostProcessingMovableFilter object More...
class  MMFeedbackProperty
 This feedback will let you target (almost) any property, on any object in your scene. It also works on scriptable objects. Drag an object, select a property, and setup your feedback " + to update that property over time More...
class  MMFeedbackRadioSignal
 This feedback will let you trigger a play on a target MMRadioSignal (usually used by a MMRadioBroadcaster to emit a value that can then be listened to by MMRadioReceivers. From this feedback you can also specify a duration, timescale and multiplier. More...
class  MMFeedbackRigidbody
 this feedback will let you apply forces and torques (relative or not) to a Rigidbody More...
class  MMFeedbackRigidbody2D
 this feedback will let you apply forces and torques (relative or not) to a Rigidbody More...
class  MMFeedbackRotation
 This feedback animates the rotation of the specified object when played More...
class  MMFeedbacks
 A collection of MMFeedback, meant to be played altogether. This class provides a custom inspector to add and customize feedbacks, and public methods to trigger them, stop them, etc. You can either use it on its own, or bind it from another class and trigger it from there. More...
class  MMFeedbackScale
 This feedback will animate the scale of the target object over time when played More...
class  MMFeedbacksEditor
 A custom editor displaying a foldable list of MMFeedbacks, a dropdown to add more, as well as test buttons to test your feedbacks at runtime More...
class  MMFeedbackSetActive
 Turns an object active or inactive at the various stages of the feedback More...
class  MMFeedbackShaderController
 This feedback will trigger a one time play on a target FloatController More...
class  MMFeedbacksHelpers
class  MMFeedbacksInspectorColors
class  MMFeedbackSound
class  MMFeedbackSpriteRenderer
 This feedback will let you change the color of a target sprite renderer over time, and flip it on X or Y. You can also use it to command one or many MMSpriteRendererShakers. More...
class  MMFeedbacksSequencer
 A MMSequencer with ready made slots to play MMFeedbacks More...
struct  MMFeedbacksShakeEvent
class  MMFeedbacksShaker
class  MMFeedbackStaticMethods
class  MMFeedbackStyling
 A class used to regroup most of the styling options for the MMFeedback editors
class  MMFeedbackTimescaleModifier
 This feedback changes the timescale by sending a TimeScale event on play More...
class  MMFeedbackTiming
 A class collecting delay, cooldown and repeat values, to be used to define the behaviour of each MMFeedback More...
class  MMFeedbackWiggle
 When played, this feedback will activate the Wiggle method of a MMWiggle object based on the selected settings, wiggling either its position, rotation, scale, or all of these. More...
class  MMFEnumConditionAttribute
class  MMFEnumConditionAttributeDrawer
class  MMFHiddenAttribute
class  MMFHiddenAttributeDrawer
class  MMFInformationAttribute
class  MMFInformationAttributeDrawer
 This class allows the display of a message box (warning, info, error...) next to a property (before or after) More...
class  MMFInspectorButtonAttribute
class  MMFlash
 Add this class to an image and it'll flash when getting a MMFlashEvent More...
struct  MMFlashEvent
class  MMFReadOnlyAttribute
class  MMFReadOnlyAttributeDrawer
struct  MMFreezeFrameEvent
class  MMInputSequenceRecorder
 This class lets you record sequences via input presses More...
class  MMInputSequenceRecorderEditor
 Custom editor for sequence recorder More...
struct  MMLightShakeEvent
class  MMLightShaker
 Add this to a light to have it receive MMLightShakeEvents from feedbacks or to shake it locally More...
class  MMMiniObjectPool
class  MMMiniObjectPooler
class  MMMiniPoolableObject
 Add this class to an object that you expect to pool from an objectPooler. Note that these objects can't be destroyed by calling Destroy(), they'll just be set inactive (that's the whole point). More...
class  MMSequence
 This scriptable object holds "sequences", data used to record and play events in sequence MMSequences can be played by MMFeedbacks from their Timing section, by Sequencers and potentially other classes More...
class  MMSequenceList
 A class used to store sequence notes More...
class  MMSequenceNote
 A class describing the contents of a sequence note, basically a timestamp and the ID to play at that timestamp More...
class  MMSequencer
 This class lets you design a quantized MMSequence using a sequencer interface, and lets you play a quantized sequence, triggering events on beats if specified More...
class  MMSequencerEditor
 Custom editor for MMSequencer, handles recalibration and sequencer display More...
class  MMSequenceTrack
 A class describing the properties of a sequence's track : ID, color (for the inspector), Key (for the recorder), State (for the recorder) More...
struct  MMSfxEvent
 A struct used to trigger sounds More...
class  MMShaker
class  MMSoundSequencer
 A MMSequencer with ready made slots to play sounds More...
struct  MMSpriteRendererShakeEvent
 An event used (usually from MMFeeedbackSpriteRenderer) to shake the values of a SpriteRenderer More...
class  MMSpriteRendererShaker
 Add this to a SpriteRenderer to have it receive MMSpriteRendererShakeEvents from feedbacks or to shake it locally More...
class  MMTimeManager
 Put this component in your scene and it'll catch MMFreezeFrameEvents and MMTimeScaleEvents, allowing you to control the flow of time. More...
struct  MMTimeScaleEvent
class  MMWiggle
 Add this class to a GameObject to be able to control its position/rotation/scale individually and periodically, allowing it to "wiggle" (or just move however you want on a periodic basis) More...
class  MMWiggleEditor
struct  TimeScaleProperties
 The different settings you can play with on a timescale event More...
class  WiggleProperties
 A class to store public wiggle properties More...


enum  TimescaleModes { TimescaleModes.Scaled, TimescaleModes.Unscaled }
 the possible modes for the timescale More...
enum  MMSequenceTrackStates { MMSequenceTrackStates.Idle, MMSequenceTrackStates.Down, MMSequenceTrackStates.Up }
 the possible states for sequence notes More...
enum  MMCameraZoomModes { MMCameraZoomModes.For, MMCameraZoomModes.Set, MMCameraZoomModes.Reset }
enum  MMTimeScaleMethods { MMTimeScaleMethods.Set, MMTimeScaleMethods.For, MMTimeScaleMethods.Reset, MMTimeScaleMethods.Unfreeze }
 A list of the methods available to change the current score More...
enum  WiggleTypes { WiggleTypes.None, WiggleTypes.Random, WiggleTypes.PingPong, WiggleTypes.Noise }
 the possible types of wiggle More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MMCameraZoomModes


◆ MMSequenceTrackStates

the possible states for sequence notes


◆ MMTimeScaleMethods

A list of the methods available to change the current score


◆ TimescaleModes

the possible modes for the timescale


◆ WiggleTypes

the possible types of wiggle
